Woodland Fairies

Title – Violet
Size – 12 x 12 x 15/8
Price – 250.00

Hello April what will you bring? Spring yes and, I know one thing is for sure you will bring freedom about mid month as I will have my second shot .( hopefully ) But this post is supposed to be about The Story Behind the Art. So let’s start. I have found that Creativeness breeds creativeness. Last month I wrote about fighting with a dry spell and I think I’m well on my way of coming out of it. Although it does not look like what I thought it would but then it never does. As I worked on some small pieces of art for an upcoming show at the end of the month. ( Yay! finally I will be back out with people) one thing led to another. First there was a small up-cycled cigar box with mushrooms on it which led to a small panel with mushrooms on it. Which led to fairies somehow. Oh well back to these fairies which I’m going to call my Woodland Fairies. So now we have a fairy and what else but a mushroom. Which led to a fairy sitting inside of a flower. While working on the second Fairy I started to think about the third fairy but that’s for next month so back to the first fairy. Somehow this sounds quite like another child’s story. Oh well where was I ? Lets meet fairy number one. Her name is Violet. She loves to sit upon the mushrooms that grow in the garden which she plants and tends and stare out at the work of her hands. While doing so she thinks, it was hard work planting all those seeds in the light of the first new moon of spring but well worth it. The wonderful fragrance drifted up to tickle her nose as she let the gentle breeze blow through her hair. It is such a shame that she must plant in the dead of the night deep in the forest but some from the people from the other world would call her life’s work weeds and, pull them out by their roots. Now if you perhaps possess the heart of a child and a mind of wonderfulness ( or even want to ) then you may venture out in the deep of the woods when the first new moon for spring is out and find a quiet spot to sit. Holding hope for all things ordinary as beautiful you might just catch a glimpse of Violet fluttering about scattering her seeds.
I think that for this month we might need to have two blog post so I can tell you the story of the second fairy. But for right now I can tell you her name is Poppy.

Title – Poppy

P.S. You Don’t want to miss out on the next blog post sign up
Till Next Time Take Care

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